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Godblind by Anna Stephens (Godblind #1)

The Mireces worship the bloodthirsty Red Gods. Exiled from Rilpor a thousand years ago, and left to suffer a harsh life in the cold mountains, a new Mireces king now plots an invasion of Rilpor’s thriving cities and fertile earth. Dom Templeson is a Watcher, a civilian warrior guarding Rilpor’s border. He is also the most powerful seer in generations, plagued with visions and prophecies. His people are devoted followers of the god of light and life, but Dom harbors deep secrets, which threaten to be exposed when Rillirin, an escaped Mireces slave, stumbles broken and bleeding into his village. Meanwhile, more and more of Rilpor’s most powerful figures are turning to the dark rituals and bloody sacrifices of the Red Gods, including the prince, who plots to wrest the throne from his dying father in the heart of the kingdom. Can Rillirin, with her inside knowledge of the Red Gods and her shocking ties to the Mireces King, help Rilpor win the coming war? CONTRIBUTOR(S): Jean Ann Dougla...

Clear Your Shit: Walking was a bad decision (Animal)

After a long time spent walking, I began to regret the decision to complete the quest on foot. It was really a very bad call, but one that it wasn't really possible to fix until we made it to the next town. After two more days of walking we arrived in the town of Skoobville and asked around for the nearest stable with horses for adventurers. Apparently we were supposed to see someone named El, since we're on a quest for the Wizard. 

El was helpful if a bit brusque, and we left with two horses, Strawberry (for me) and Blaze (for Heather). Both horses' saddles had tiny stone dogs affixed as charms, two on each side. Reading while riding is so much better than reading while walking, and I was able to finish Daimonion by J. P. Jackson, a horror novel with lots of creatures, demonic and otherwise. It was also kind of spooky, so I was a little on edge as we rode along in the waning afternoon.

Go here to read the whole story.


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