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Links That Burn - New Website

I've made a new website! Links That Burn is a directory of useful, fun, and/or informative websites. It's available in English and German, and will be available in other languages as I am able to find translators. ----- From the About page: The internet used to be a bunch of links to other places, with cool stuff on each website. Then we spent a couple of decades with search engines that worked, and people stopped needing to know where to find each niche website they were going to only use a couple of times a year. Now things are broken again, and people often don't know where those sites are, or are trying to see if generative AI will do it instead. The truth is, it won't work, or it'll be worse, and either way -- please don't use the plagiarism machine.  Links that Burn is a catalog of niche websites that do one or two things, do them very well, and are easy to use. They're free, they don't make you sign in anywhere to use them, and if they have a pai...

Megamorphs 1: The Andalite's Gift by K. A. Applegate

The Andalite's Gift is both a pause from the marathon of the main series, and a strange kind of relay race for the Animorphs. This book is about exhaustion both mental and physical, terror, more nightmares, and losing oneself, with a little bit of hope at the end.

It has a strange place in the continuity because it addresses some consequences from The Stranger, but it can't move the story forward because people might miss something important then. What it does do is give the first glimpse of Ax's perspective because of the rotation narration, and it lets us see what each Animorph thinks of each other in relation to the same event. Cassie does the first in what will be an ongoing thing of her carrying out amazing and almost impossible feats of morphing and it's really cool to read, but unfortunately the Megamorphs books are stuck within the continuity in a way that means they can't work as a sample of this world in the way that the various Chronicles books are able to in a pinch.

Portraits of four Animorphs as half human half animal plus Tobias as a hawk


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