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Yours Celestially by Al Hess

After divorce, death, and having his reformatted soul uploaded into a new body, Sasha expected resurrection to be a fresh start. His time spent in digital Limbo with the program's cheeky AI guardian angel, Metatron, was cathartic, but what good is a second life when he only sees his daughter on the weekends, he has all the same problems he had before he died, and he can't seem to shake the ache for the married life he lost? If that weren't frustrating enough, a glitch in the program has given Sasha the ability to sense Metatron even outside of Limbo. And Metatron is in love. The angel's sickly-sweet yearning for one of the souls still in Limbo has turned Sasha's stomach into caramelized lead. It's hard enough to move on without someone else's feelings making the emptiness in his own life even more acute. He didn't have playing wingman to an actual winged being on his bingo card, but he's determined to help Metatron make a move on their crush so he ca...

Animorphs Book 16: The Warning by K. A. Applegate

The Warning shows Jake's increasing sense of internalized pressure as a leader. He's in charge and increasingly isolated. When he almost dies in an insect morph the text takes the time to dwell on his fear and helplessness in a pretty brutal way.

There's some fun stuff with 90's computer tech and chat rooms, but this is not a light book. There's a sense of helplessness, and the crushing reality that no matter how many people they can save, someone is still getting hurt.

Cassie is starting to be more of a lieutenant and confidant to Jake in terms of decision making and ethics. She has been the ethical voice of the team for a while, but this book codifies some parts of their dynamic in a way that feel natural.

These review are spoiler-free, but my stance is that "almost dies in an XXX morph" really isn't a spoiler for this series, since that's a constant in almost every book. You know it's "almost" because there are more books with him on the cover, and morphing is often dangerous. It's mostly used for combat/infiltration, which is dangerous. Even the act of morphing is dangerous due to the possibility of being trapped in morph.

A boy (Jake) turns into a rhinoceros


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