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We've Always Been Queer

The podcast is Books That Burn because the original idea was "books that burn you", discussing fictional depictions of trauma. It's also an intentional reminder of the pile of burning books, you know the photo I mean, the one from WWII. It's a pile of books about queerness, gender, and sexuality. Just in case you don't know, the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science) was headed by Magnus Hirschfeld.  It was a resource for gay, intersex, and transgender people, both of knowledge and medical help. It also helped the community with addiction treatment and contraception. It wasn't perfect and some of the ideas they had seem out of date now, the ones we know about anyway. But they were trying to make queer people's lives better, and they were a community resource at a time when people really needed it. Which is all the time, we always need these accesses. And the Nazis burned the whole library. It took days, they had to drag the books ou

Little Stranger by Edie Fake

“Little Stranger” by Edie Fake is a strange and absorbing nsfw comic that captures the feeling of weirdness and discomfort that is/can be part of existing in a body. It is explicit, gruesome, evocative, and a perplexing read.

When I say “nsfw” I mean an entire book of beautiful but amazing comics that are somewhere between erotic and body horror, depending on your kinks. It’s a quick read, but if you like it you’ll probably keep going back to different sections to re-examine the different narratives happening through the book. It depicts themes of dysphoria and dysmorphia without being a book about feeling bad. It seems to be more about how to feel good after feeling bad. It’ll be either totally your thing or you’ll know ten pages in that it’s not for you.


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