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Links That Burn - New Website

I've made a new website! Links That Burn is a directory of useful, fun, and/or informative websites. It's available in English and German, and will be available in other languages as I am able to find translators. ----- From the About page: The internet used to be a bunch of links to other places, with cool stuff on each website. Then we spent a couple of decades with search engines that worked, and people stopped needing to know where to find each niche website they were going to only use a couple of times a year. Now things are broken again, and people often don't know where those sites are, or are trying to see if generative AI will do it instead. The truth is, it won't work, or it'll be worse, and either way -- please don't use the plagiarism machine.  Links that Burn is a catalog of niche websites that do one or two things, do them very well, and are easy to use. They're free, they don't make you sign in anywhere to use them, and if they have a pai...

“Today I Am Paul” by Martin L. Shoemaker

“Today I Am Paul” is a poignant and thought-provoking portrayal of a robotic future for elder care and cognitive dissonance caused by trying to be everything to everyone. Medical Care Android BRKCX-01932-217JH-98662 ponders interactions of programming and identity.

I like the strange specificity of the android's attention to details, the layers of consciousness as it checks in with its medical logs but also performs the social niceties, particularly when it already knows what Mildred ate but still asks her how her breakfast was. I appreciate the dynamic with Anna, how they trade off and Anna interacts as if she was the one who visited when she speaks to Mildred about the garden.

The commentary about the inverse journeys of Mildred and Millie is very subtle but poignant, the characterization is very complex for such a short story.

This story deals with death, memory loss, and cognitive decline. It does so in a very conscientious and tender way, but it doesn't shy away from the implications of these topics. It's a very quick read, and well worth it if you have the 15-20 minutes to spare.

Full Story Text


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