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Links That Burn - New Website

I've made a new website! Links That Burn is a directory of useful, fun, and/or informative websites. It's available in English and German, and will be available in other languages as I am able to find translators. ----- From the About page: The internet used to be a bunch of links to other places, with cool stuff on each website. Then we spent a couple of decades with search engines that worked, and people stopped needing to know where to find each niche website they were going to only use a couple of times a year. Now things are broken again, and people often don't know where those sites are, or are trying to see if generative AI will do it instead. The truth is, it won't work, or it'll be worse, and either way -- please don't use the plagiarism machine.  Links that Burn is a catalog of niche websites that do one or two things, do them very well, and are easy to use. They're free, they don't make you sign in anywhere to use them, and if they have a pai...

Mid June Reviews (2024)


Welcome to the Books That Burn Fortnightly Roundup! Releasing every two weeks (one week early for Patrons).

After nearly six months, I finally got a job! This might affect the newsletter/review schedule. If it does, I’ll handle it by taking July off from everything while I adjust to the new position.

News and Events

I track upcoming book releases by authors we've previously covered on a shareable google calendar.

Notable June Releases:

  • Moonstorm by Yoon Ha Lee

  • Tidal Creatures by Seanan McGuire

  • We Shall Be Monsters by Tara Sim

Signal Boost

If there's no ceasefire in Gaza by the time you read this, please use resources like Ceasefire Now to contact your representatives and ask them to support a ceasefire in the crisis in Gaza. The link includes information on planned protests and demonstrations, and has information for people internationally on what they can do to get involved.

Recent Reviews

HUSBAND MATERIAL by Alexis Hall, book 2 of London Calling is Contemporary/Romance, with queer character(s), marketed as Adult. Luc and Oliver attend four weddings and a funeral. Told in First Person with Single POV.

WAITING FOR THE FLOOD by Alexis Hall, book 2 of Spires Universe is Contemporary/Romance, with queer character(s), marketed as Adult. Edwin lives alone in the house he and his ex-boyfriend use to share. Told in Third Person with Dual POVs.

MORTAL FOLLIES by Alexis Hall, book 1 of The Mortal Follies is Fantasy/Romance, with queer character(s), marketed as Adult. Maelys has been cursed, and the one person who might be able to help her has a scandalous reputation. Told in First Person with Single POV.

10 THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPENED by Alexis Hall, book 1 of Material World is Contemporary/Romance, with queer character(s), marketed as Adult. Sam fakes amnesia with his boss after he trips after getting fired. Told in First Person with Single POV.

TRANSLATION STATE by Ann Leckie is Sci-Fi, with queer character(s), marketed as Adult. Qven was created to be a Presger Translator, but finds themself unfit according to the current translators. Told in Third Person with Ensemble POVs.

ROSALINE PALMER TAKES THE CAKE by Alexis Hall, book 1 of Winner Bakes All is Contemporary/Romance, with queer character(s), marketed as Adult. Rosaline enters a baking competition and falls almost immediately for one of her fellow contestants. Told in Third Person with Single POV.

Reviews forthcoming for Dreams of the Dying by Nicolas Lietzau and For Real by Alexis Hall.

Current Reads

I’ve begun re-reading the Inheritance series by A.K. Faulkner, starting with Jack of Thorns, in celebration of the release of the tenth book, WHEEL OF FATE. I’m also partway through DEATH IN THE SPIRES by K.J. Charles, but it’s not catching my attention as much as her previous work. I don’t think non-magic murder mysteries is something I’m interested in, but I’ll give it a bit longer.

In Case You Missed It

This time last year I read MAGIC TIDES by Ilona Andrews, the first book in the Kate Daniels Wilmington years.

Pluggables and Podcast News

If you're looking for a place to buy any of the books I've reviewed, please consider our Bookshop page (if you use our links to purchase any books we get a small commission). Let us know if there's a category you'd like to see curated and we'll see if we can get some titles together.

Speaking of Bookshop, I've put together top picks lists for 2021 onwards. Books are included based on the year they were published, so occasionally older lists might get new titles. To be in the Top Picks list a book needs to get a five-star rating from me, and be published in the year of the list. You can find the 2024 list here.

As for the podcast, hopefully you're enjoying our most recent episode. Patrons are enjoying an essay about Alexis Hall’s writing, and everyone else can now peruse my essay on The Hunger Games. If you'd like to receive episodes early, as well as bonus content, please consider supporting us on Patreon. Patrons receive this newsletter one week early, as well as a list of upcoming podcast episodes and even more planned reviews.

Patrons pledging $20 or more each month receive a bonus episode. Patrons pledging $50 or more can vote once per month on what we'll cover in the podcast. You can find all of those polls here. Patrons at any level receive the booklist with our planned episodes for up to three months at a time.

Thanks for reading, the next roundup will be in two weeks!


Co-host of Books That Burn


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A tortoiseshell cat sitting on the wrist-rest of an ergonomic keyboard. The cat is licking one of her front paws. The double monitor setup behind her shows one screen on the menu for Hades.


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